You can never miss the discount of BBQ world LV !

There is a restaurant at Chinatown
which started business from street BBQ,
to overseas branch

Today we will take a deep insight into reasons
how it became today's Wangdaye

During the Chinese New Year, even one seat is hard to book in Wangdaye
Now this time, those who didn't made it have a chance!
Also, as for compensation
Wangdaye provided generous discount~
(I will not tell ya it's hidden at the end of the text)


Meat dish BBQ

Mutton shashlik
Fat but not greasy
Thin rather than firewood

Prefer chicken? Or beef? How about pork?
You want all?
NP!! Wangdaye has made dish, comprising three types in one dish!

Vege BBQ

Which one is the KING of Vege BBQ???

LeekCornNeedle Mushroom
Which one do you prefer?
For those who has a phobia of choosing,
I will help you with the answering: ALL! cuz we have made dish lah~

Chicken Wing BBQ

Crisp skin, inside is tender chicken
Eat is while its hot

Chicken Feet BBQ

This is not the whole chicken feet, only the chewy part
I really love this one.

Chicken Neck BBQ

Calm down! They are not that scary
It's just chicken neck with head
Life is about adventure, why not take a try??

Crawfish BBQ

Crawfish BBQ was first created by Wangdaye,
a patent invention of BBQ
Here we only offer the best, fresh, and natural crawfish
which is why everyone come to Wangdaye order this dish as their first choice!

Scallop BBQ

Scallop with mashed garlic
sprinkle with pepper and chilli
How many can you swallow? I bet I can finish at least 10 of those...

Dishes Not only BBQ..

Spicy pig brain

One less regret after tried !!!

Looks scary? Never tried?
OMG I strongly suggest this one!!!
It's like one of the best of all
If you like spicy, and hotpot, trust me, you gonna love it!

Bowl Bowl Chicken

Pure Sichuan dish

Chicken with no bones, washed clean
what amazed me is the soft taste immersed with delicious fragrance
Coz our sauce is one and only !

Spicy Bullfrog

Except for pig brain, I would say
this one is the second.
How to describe the soft and tender feeling of bullfrog..hmm
I can eat a whole dish of this!!

Mon-Thu all dishes enjoys 20% off(expect for beverage and crawfish)
Fri-Sun15% off(except for beverage and crawfish)

The more you order,
the more you saved,
Call on a bunch of friends..
let's go BBQ

Scan the QR code of Wangdaye on wechat
16 Mosque St, Singapore 059496
Office time
11.30am - 12.00am